Monday, February 23, 2015

Night Dublin

This one will be a city post. Evening is not a good time to take photos of the outfit (we've tried to though!:) Don't be lazy to check end of the post out), so I'm going to show you all the magic of night Dublin. When pubs are full of loud people, streets are about to share with you all the secrets. Just watch and feel the atmosphere. 

Как вы уже поняли, пост посвящен вечернему Дублину. И да, здесь будет единственная фотография меня и моих косичек. Но начну я не с нее. Вечерний Дублин - такая красота! Ох, ну вы и сами увидите. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The real face of Dublin

When you visit place for the first time it's hard enough to verify its real spirit. I'm in Dublin again and now I started noticing, what is really going on in this city and country itself. I've caught sight of desolated buildings, homeless people. The weather is changeable, most of time the sky is totally grey and heavy. So this is my first post from Dublin in February 2015 and I'm about to show you the real spirit of this city. No blaze, no glam. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wine red love

Hi everyone! Winter came back to Kyiv and heaps of snow fell from the sky. But the weather couldn't fail my plans to share my new fluffy wine sweater with you, which I love so much! It has very unusual asymmetrical sleeves and makes the outfit so special. No words needed - just watch these adorable photos. I hope you'll like them as much as I do! 

Зима в Киеве напомнила о себе весьма неожиданно и едва не сломала мне все планы. Но мы с Настей достаточно отважны, чтоб не обращать внимания на ее выходки. И вот результат. Это действительно было непросто и надеюсь, вы оцените наши старания.